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Cocktails — Melissa Mercier

#EssentialCocktail => Scotch and Cola

We love scotch! And sometimes we want to mellow it down a bit with a touch of cola. All natural cola that is, but are still on the lookout for the tastiest one. Send us a note with your favorite brand.


-2 oz Scotch

-1/2 oz Cola


-Frozen habanero peppers



Pour the scotch and cola on ice.

Rime the glass with lime juice

Decorate with mini skewers of lime and frozen habaneros.


Voila! Scotch and cola.

#EssentialCocktail => Grapefruit Gin


-2 dash of Jonny Hetherington Essentials Peach Habanero Sauce

-2 oz gin

-2 oz freshly squeezed pink grapefruit juice


-Coarse sea salt



Salt the rim of your favourite tumbler.

In a shaker add two dashes of hot sauce and equal parts gin and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Shake with ice and pour over the rocks.

Garnish with fresh grapefruit and habanero slices. 

Voila! Habanero grapefruit gin cocktail.

#EssentialCocktail => Spicy Gin Cucumber Cocktail



-4 oz gin

-12 oz lemonade (freshly squeezed lemons mixed with a touch of sugar)

-1 dash of Pineapple Hot Sauce

-1 long slice of cucumber per glass




Arrange your cucumber slices in your high ball glasses.

Fill with ice cubes.

Add the gin, lemonade and Hot Sauce. Stir well and serve immediately.


Voila! Spicy gin cucumber cocktail.

#EssentialCocktail => Peach Habanero Salted Rim Gin and Tonics

It's August and the peaches are finally ripe. We are adding them everywhere including our cocktails!


Rim Ingredients:

-1 cup sea salt

-1 tbsp Peach Hot Sauce

-Lime wedge



Mix the sea salt and hot sauce in a pan and heat over medium low while constantly stirring with a small whisk until your sea salt is dry again. Poor into a plate just a bit larger than your cocktail glasses. Wet the rim of your glasses with the lime wedges and rub your glasses into the salt. 


#EssentialCocktail => Pineapple Habanero Lemon Margarita

This is not your traditional margarita, in fact it's not really a margarita at all, but if you're looking for something different to cool off with on May 5th, give this a shot. 


-Bombay Saphire Gin

-Fresh Lemon Juice

-Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce

-Sugar cube


Crush a sugar cube in the bottom of a rocks glass with a tablespoon of water.

Add a splash of Pineapple Habanero Sauce and the juice of half a lemon.

Fill the rocks glass with ice.

Pour in 3 oz of Bombay Gin...