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Entrées — Low Fat

#EssentialRecipe => Homemade Plant Based Mac and Cheese

This is a serious comfort food of mine and Jonny’s. Every time we are sick or not feeling all that great, it’s either a miso soup or a warm comfy bowl of mac and cheese. There’s something about the creaminess that makes you feel instantly “comfier”.

And since Miss J has started school, she has already caught two colds... Germs really spread fast with kids! So I had to work on a plant based version that would be as satisfying as the one I grew up with.

The key, is to make sure to...

#EssentialRecipe => Picnic Barbecue Tofu Skewers

I absolutely love skewers! When I was a kid, my family would only go to restaurants for very special occasions. My mom and I would always order two different skewers and share.

I think the presentation is what made them so festive to me and it was always fun to fork off all the pieces onto my plate.

All grown up now and I still find them so fun, beautiful and delicious!



-Extra firm tofu cut in 1 inch cubes


#ESSENTIALRECIPE => Spicy Quinoa Taco Filling

It's hot outside and we are planning on patio chilling with these delicious Tacos and Sangria.



-1 cup tri-color quinoa or your favorite color

-1 cup vegetable broth. you can use chicken if your prefer

-3/4 cup water


Seasoning Ingredients:

-1 small red onion diced 

-1 small shallot diced

-1 clove garlic chopped 

-1 Tbsp nutritional yeast

-1 tsp cumin seeds 

-2 tsp ground chili powder

-1/2 tsp garlic powder

-1/2 tsp each sea salt and black pepper

-1 Tbsp Jonny Hetherington Essentials Peach Hot Sauce 

-1 Tbsp avocado oil



#EssentialRecipe => Spicy Cauliflower Rice Bowl

Monika Hibbs's Spicy Cauliflower Rice Bowl Recipe

Mexican Rice Bowl
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves 4 people

Rice Ingredients:

-1 medium head of cauliflower


Taco Bowl Ingredients:

-1lb lean ground turkey or veggie ground

-3 large cloves of garlic

-3-4 tbsp. of taco seasoning

-Avocado oil

-Salt and pepper

-1 large red onion, diced

-3 bell peppers, diced


#EssentialRecipe => Grilled Chicken Breasts In Beet Ketchup Marinade


This June’s CHEF’S BOX™  from is curated by Hawksworth Restaurant. Order to get our new Beet Ketchup and this recipe, as well as four other amazing BC artisan products and recipes from Hawksworth Chef de Cuisine Chris Stewart.


Grilling Marinade Ingredients:

-1/2 Cup Jonny Hetherington Essentials Beet Tomato Ketchup