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Sauces and Dressings — Condiment

#EssentialRecipe => Classic Béchamel

This year, I decided to finally master the 5 French Mother Sauces. Being French Canadian myself, means I at least know how to make the famous Béchamel. My mom made it all my life, but she didn't like the nutmeg and never added it. I myself love just a little hint of it. 

Béchamel is extremely simple to make and requires only five ingredients, but it does require patience. As soon as you try speeding up is when you will run into clumps. So take your time. With practice, you will learn how thick or thin to...

#EssentialRecipe => Jonny's Spicy Summer BBQ Sauce

Jonny's Spicy Summer BBQ Sauce. So quick, so flavourful! Get Qing!


-3 Tbsp Pineapple Hot Sauce

-1/2 cup of Original Ketchup

-1 tsp dijon

-Splash of worcestershire sauce

-Sprinkle of smoked paprika

-Sea salt and black pepper

-Squeeze of a lemon wedge


Combine ingredients in a bowl. For an extra hot version add more Pineapple Habanero Sauce.

This is my summer BBQ sauce that's perfect with chicken, beef, kabobs, or in this case baby back ribs from Windsor Quality Meats.

Use as a marinade, cook with the sauce...