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Cocktails — Heat

#EssentialCocktail => Scotch and Cola

We love scotch! And sometimes we want to mellow it down a bit with a touch of cola. All natural cola that is, but are still on the lookout for the tastiest one. Send us a note with your favorite brand.


-2 oz Scotch

-1/2 oz Cola


-Frozen habanero peppers



Pour the scotch and cola on ice.

Rime the glass with lime juice

Decorate with mini skewers of lime and frozen habaneros.


Voila! Scotch and cola.

#EssentialCocktail => Pineapple Habanero Lemon Margarita

This is not your traditional margarita, in fact it's not really a margarita at all, but if you're looking for something different to cool off with on May 5th, give this a shot. 


-Bombay Saphire Gin

-Fresh Lemon Juice

-Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce

-Sugar cube


Crush a sugar cube in the bottom of a rocks glass with a tablespoon of water.

Add a splash of Pineapple Habanero Sauce and the juice of half a lemon.

Fill the rocks glass with ice.

Pour in 3 oz of Bombay Gin...

#EssentialCocktail => Pulled Halibut Cheek Slider Spicy Caesar

This just might be the best Spicy Caesar recipe ever, and after drinking a few we know it is! (for you Americans, a Caesar is a Canadian cocktail much like a Bloody Mary but made with clam infused tomato juice). They are amazing, and to quote Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction, "the cornerstone to any nutritious breakfast”.

Caesar Ingredients:


-Walter craft caesar mix



-Worcestershire sauce

-Peach Habanero Sauce

-Himalayan salt

-Black pepper

